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Wealthy Affiliate Review: My “Tell All” Experience After 7 Years

I joined Wealthy Affiliate in October 2015 while (desperately) searching for a way to make money online. I wanted to be free from the 9-5 grind and start living life on my terms.

I was tired of slaving away each day, having no time to enjoy my life – just to make ends meet and pay off the never-ending amount of debt I was racking up.

I knew there had to be something more. Something better.

Otherwise, what was the point!?

So, long story short, I decided to give Wealthy Affiliate a go.

And while I didn’t get rich overnight, I did learn a unique 4-step process that allowed me to quit my construction gig and earn a full-time income online doing what I love.

Now I earn over $20k/mo – while having more time to enjoy the things that really matter.

Like spending time with my family and friends.

It’s pretty cool!

Now, I know you may be somewhat skeptical.

And given the sheer number of scams online, I can totally appreciate that.

So what I would like to do is show you exactly how Wealthy Affiliate’s 4-step process works and how it has the power to take you from a complete beginner to owning a thriving online business.

In less time than you might think.

Sound good?


But before I get to that, allow me to introduce myself…

About Me and My Wealthy Affiliate Journey

My name is Tim, and my journey into the online world began with me wanting something more out of life and being fascinated with the idea of making money on the internet.

I ran a small construction business here in Australia, and while I did enjoy some aspects of what I did, it was mostly a grind that made me feel trapped.

I would get up in the dark, commute long hours, work physically hard all day long, and drive home in the dark – just so I could do paperwork, eat dinner, have a shower, and go to bed.

Then do it all over again.

Eventually, the idea that ‘this was all there was’ got to me.

A lot.

So I started looking for ways to make money online, with nothing more than a strong desire to succeed and a willingness to do whatever it took.

How did that go?

Not very well!

I ended up joining one scam after another – all promising I could make money online quickly and easily following their “system.”

The sales pages were always so convincing, like they knew exactly how I felt and told me exactly what I wanted to hear. Which is probably why I fell for so many of them.

Anyway, one day, I was researching one of the programs I’d joined to see what others were saying about it, and that’s when I stumbled across a review from a Wealthy Affiliate member.

I was struck by his honesty and (from what I could tell) integrity. So I stopped pursuing the program I was in (because it wasn’t working) and followed his recommendation to join Wealthy Affiliate.

And that was when everything started to turn around for me.

Before finding Wealthy Affiliate, I was basically a mouse chasing its tail on a mouse wheel. Every program I’d joined up to that point was one big never-ending sales funnel, where the “guru” behind it was just trying to sell me more and more stuff.

Maybe you’ve joined some of these programs yourself?

They always sound good, but then you join and find out that what they’re teaching doesn’t actually work and that the only one making money is the person selling it.

And that’s what was so different about Wealthy Affiliate.

There was no overhyped sales page. There were no hidden upsells. I was learning REAL skills. And the people in the community were actually helping me succeed!

It was a breath of fresh air!

And I was so excited because I KNEW that after all that time of joining one bunk program after another, I had FINALLY found something real. Something I could sink my teeth into.

That’s all I really wanted.

I wasn’t looking to get rich quickly. I didn’t want everything to happen at the push of a button.

I just wanted something that worked!

And that’s what I found.

More specifically, I discovered Wealthy Affiliate and their unique 4-step process:

At last, a real process that real people were using to build highly successful businesses.

I was so excited that I got stuck into the training and started building my business. And within a few short months, I made my very first commission (of $1.17) as an Amazon affiliate.

It wasn’t much, but I was hooked!

So I kept on moving forward and built a full-time income in about 18-24 months, and now I’m making over $20k a month (some months, I earn much more than this!).

That may seem like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing. Especially considering the rewards that come with owning a successful affiliate marketing business.

Aside from financial freedom, affiliate marketing can give you time and location freedom, which means you get to actually enjoy your money and your life rather than being a slave.

Anyway, that’s my story (in a nutshell).

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, I was able to quit my old construction gig and do affiliate marketing full-time, which has completely changed my life.

That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing it with others.

Because it actually works!

Even if you’re a complete beginner and don’t have a lot of money to get started, Wealthy Affiliate can give you a path to building a highly successful affiliate marketing business.

And it all comes down to the unique 4-step process they teach you.

Let me explain.

The Only 4-Step Process You Need to Build a Highly Successful Online Business

There are many ways you can make money online, but affiliate marketing trumps them all because it’s a simple, low-cost business model that you can scale to ANY level you want.

You never have to buy inventory, deal with customers, ship anything … none of that stuff. All you do is recommend quality products and services people in your niche are already interested in buying, from vendors they are already buying from, and earn commissions when a sale takes place.

It’s a very straightforward, proven model.

Now, with that said, it only works when you follow the right process. Otherwise, you could end up spending months (even years) doing it the wrong way (and making no money at all).

And that’s where the following 4-step process comes into play.

This is a proven formula for building a successful affiliate marketing business, and it’s one that anyone can follow. I know because this is how I went from “newbie” to “super affiliate.”

Here’s a quick overview of how it works:

  1. Choose an Interest: The first step is to choose a direction for your business based on your passions, interests, or hobbies. There are over 5.5 BILLION people online, and with Wealthy Affiliate’s Niche Finder AI tool, you can uncover highly lucrative, untapped niche opportunities in seconds!
  2. Build a Website: Every successful business starts with a website. Think of your site as the “storefront” of your online empire. You don’t need any tech skills, either. Because with Wealthy Affiliate, you can launch a beautifully designed, Profit-Ready website at the click of a button!
  3. Attract Visitors: It’s no secret that people fuel businesses. Which is why this step is all about leveraging the latest, most effective traffic generation techniques to attract hungry buyers to your site who want what you are offering.
  4. Earn Revenue: Once you have people visiting your site, you can make money promoting top-tier brands without the hassle of inventory or support. There are close to 600 MILLION products you can promote online, so there are virtually endless opportunities to profit!

This may be the first time you’ve learned about this 4-step process.

But I can assure you, it is a proven process.

This is how the most successful affiliates make money – because it works.

As I write this, in 2023, $17 Billion has been spent on affiliate marketing globally, and that figure is expected to rise to over $27 Billion by 2027. That’s $27,000,000,000!

So the opportunity is absolutely massive,

And it’s growing each year.

But how do you get your slice of the pie?

Well, one way is you could take what I just explained and try to “go it alone.” There are plenty of YouTube videos out there and companies selling web hosting and the like.

But I wouldn’t recommend that. Because that will (almost certainly) be a frustrating, time-consuming, and ultimately expensive journey that will only end in disappointment.

Why? Because if you want to become a successful affiliate (and leverage that 4-step formula I just showed you), then there are certain things you are going to need:

  • You NEED step-by-step training from real industry experts.
  • You NEED the websites and tools that are built specifically for affiliate marketing.
  • And you NEED support and mentorship to help you along the way.

And there is only ONE platform in the industry that has the training, tools, and mentoring that is specifically designed to help you master the 4-step process:

Wealthy Affiliate.

Think of Wealthy Affiliate as the “vehicle” that will get you from where you are now to owning a thriving affiliate marketing business.

Because that’s exactly what it is.

So with that said, let me walk you through what you get when you join Wealthy Affiliate and how it can help you build a highly profitable business that you can scale to any level you want.

How Wealthy Affiliate Can Help You Build a Thriving Affiliate Marketing Business

Wealthy Affiliate gives you everything you need to build a successful business under one roof, and that is part of what makes it so great. Instead of selling re-hashed information – they give you everything you could ever need to start, run, and grow a thriving affiliate marketing business.

It’s (by far) the most comprehensive platform in the industry.

And when you boil it down, everything Wealthy Affiliate provides falls into one of these categories:

  • Step-By-Step, Industry Leading Training
  • State of the Art Tools & Resources
  • Expert Coaching and Mentoring

Let’s discuss each of these aspects of the platform now, so you know what the platform is about, how it works, and how it can help YOU build a successful business.

Step-By-Step, Industry Leading Training

Wealthy Affiliate has the most comprehensive affiliate marketing training in the industry. Not only are there 1,000s of training resources covering every aspect of affiliate marketing, but the training is always being updated to keep you ahead of the curve, and it’s easy to digest.

The “core” training is called the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) course, and this course is designed to walk you through every aspect of building an affiliate marketing business, from choosing your niche and building your site, to getting traffic, making sales, and scaling up your business.

There are also Live weekly classes taught by REAL industry experts on a range of topics like artificial intelligence (AI), SEO, YouTube, WordPress, PPC marketing, and more.

And there are many “over the shoulder” case studies you can benefit from.

So, whether you’re brand new to affiliate marketing and want a step-by-step course to get started or you are already successful and want to scale things up, Wealthy Affiliate has the training you need.

And most importantly, it works.

Instead of giving you a bunch of generic, re-hashed informational videos that don’t help you (like many other online courses in the space do), Wealthy Affiliate provides you with high-value, up-to-date training by real industry experts that will actually help you succeed as an affiliate.

State of the Art Tools & Resources

If you want to start an online business, which I know you do, then you are going to need tools and resources to implement what you learn and get your business rolling.

And Wealthy Affiliate gives you everything you need to succeed – all under one roof.

Here’s a quick overview of what you get as a member:

AI Niche Finder tool: This tool is pure gold when it comes to choosing a niche. All you need to do is type in a topic you’re interested in, and it INSTANTLY gives you a list of awesome niche ideas using the power of AI. It even helps you come up with great brand ideas for your business! There is nothing else like this in the entire affiliate marketing industry, and this is what you get access to inside WA.

Website Platform: Your website is the foundation of your business, and Wealthy Affiliate has created a platform dedicated to making the process of building and running your site EASY. It’s so straightforward that you can have your site up and running in just 30 seconds. Fully hosted and on your very own domain. Everything is seamlessly integrated into the platform.

Marketing Research: In order to make sales as an affiliate, you need traffic. And in order to get high-quality, free traffic to your site (the best kind), you first need to understand what your audience is searching for within the online world. And that’s where Wealthy Affiliate’s suite of marketing research tools (called Jaaxy and Alphabet Soup X) come into play. Having these tools in your toolbox gives you an almost “unfair” advantage over the competition.

Affiliate Program Search Portal: There are 100s of millions of products and services you can promote as an affiliate, so to make it easier to find awesome affiliate programs, Wealthy Affiliate has developed an affiliate program search portal that brings together all of the top offers from many different companies and niches in one place. All you need to do is type in your niche, and you will be connected to some of the best, highest-converting offers in your niche within seconds.

Bottom line… there is a tool within Wealthy Affiliate to help you with EVERY aspect of building, running, and growing your affiliate marketing business. From choosing a niche and building your site to getting traffic and creating highly effective promotions.

No other platform in the industry gives its members such a comprehensive toolkit to build their business. Wealthy Affiliate has invested millions of dollars into these with the sole purpose of helping each and every member turn their online business dream into reality.

Expert Coaching and Mentoring

It’s one thing to have the best training and tools in the affiliate marketing industry, but we ALL have questions along the way, especially when we are first getting started.

And that’s why you need expert coaching, support, and mentorship from real industry experts, which is exactly what Wealthy Affiliate provides you with.

Wealthy Affiliate has the most vibrant, active community in the industry, with over 2.7 MILLION members and counting! And as a member, YOU get to take full advantage of this.

Not only do you have an entire community you can reach out to whenever you like, but there is also dedicated (lightning-fast) website support available 24/7 for any technical questions.

And you have direct access to the founders of the platform, Kyle and Carson!

This one aspect of Wealthy Affiliate alone makes it worth many (many) times the price because these guys are real industry experts. I know because I’ve met them and hung out with them at the Super Affiliate conference in Vegas.

Here’s a picture of us in 2023:

So, as a member of Wealthy Affiliate, there are endless ways you can get support, help, mentoring, and coaching from within the platform.

And to give you an even greater chance of success, right now, I am offering those who join Wealthy Affiliate through this page direct access to me (a real human who does affiliate marketing for a living and who knows how to help you succeed!).

I’ve helped many people get started online and build successful businesses, so I know I can help you create success within the online world as well.

Here’s just a small sample of the feedback I’ve received from folks I work with:

I can assure you that if and when you join Wealthy Affiliate, you will ALWAYS have someone there to help you with your business. Every step of the way. This is what sets Wealthy Affiliate apart from anything else out there – they have the most helpful, supportive community on the planet.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate isn’t just the most comprehensive platform in the affiliate marketing industry; it’s also the most cost-efficient. You can run your entire business for $99 a month!

That works out to around $3.30 a day,

Which is less than most people spend on a cup of coffee each day!

And in case you’re wondering – there are ZERO hidden upsells or extra costs involved!

Zip. Zilch. Nada.

One thing I have seen a lot within the online world is companies that “pretend” to help you get started for a reasonable price, but once you join, there are numerous high-priced upsells and hidden costs involved in implementing what they teach, which makes it super expensive.

Well, Wealthy Affiliate is nothing like that.

Not only is their membership affordable for virtually everyone, but there are no hidden costs or upsells with Wealthy Affiliate at all. And they even have a FREE Starter Membership option available, so you can “test drive” the platform for free before making any decisions.

Here are Wealthy Affiliate’s 3 membership options:

  • Starter Membership ($0 – Join for free here!): This is the membership I recommend you start with, as it allows you to test drive the platform for free before making any decisions. As a free Starter member, you get 5 step-by-step lessons, a free (fully hosted) website, access to the AI Niche Finder tool, and much more. This is an excellent way to get a “taste” of what is offered within Wealthy Affiliate without having to commit to anything (no credit card needed). This also includes access to a special bonus class called “The 4 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Online,” which elaborates on what I discussed earlier!
  • Premium Membership ($49/month or $497 yearly discount): The Premium membership is Wealthy Affiliate’s flagship membership and comes with everything you need to start, run, and scale your business to ANY level you want. Training, tools, websites, coaching… everything. You even get a free .com domain included to get you rolling!
  • Premium Plus+ Membership ($99/month or $697 yearly discount): Premium Plus gives you everything that the Premium membership does but with some added perks. For instance, you can get more websites, 2 free domains, 350+ additional expert classes per year, and Enterprise-level research tools. You don’t exactly “need” Premium Plus if you’re on a tight budget, but this is Wealthy Affiliate’s highest-value membership, as it gives you a whole bunch of added value for a relatively small increase in price (if you pay yearly).

Whatever membership option you choose (Premium or Premium Plus), you will have access to everything you will ever need to build a thriving affiliate marketing business.

And as I mentioned, I highly recommend you try the free Starter membership first so you can get a feel for what the platform has to offer before making any decisions.

Wealthy Affiliate knows that what they are offering is world-class, which is why they are confident enough to offer people a free membership. They know that most people stick around and upgrade to Premium once they see the value in doing so firsthand!

Will You Be the Next Wealthy Affiliate Success Story?

Countless people, including myself, have benefited from Wealthy Affiliate because it is the best, most comprehensive, and cost-efficient platform in the industry. Nothing else even comes close.

But you don’t have to take my word for it.

Because the proof is in the pudding, so to speak…

Wealthy Affiliate has a 4.9 out of 5 Star TrustPilot rating, which is a remarkable accomplishment in any industry, let alone the online business industry.

And there are MANY success stories and testimonials online from people from all walks of life who have joined the platform and benefited from it greatly.

Like these:

And these:

Annnnd these…

At the end of the day, no platform is perfect.

And it does take effort to achieve success within the online world. No matter how good a platform is, it is the effort YOU put into your business that will determine what you achieve.

But one thing I can say for certain is that Wealthy Affiliate has helped countless people, including myself, build highly successful businesses since it began in 2005.

And it can help you achieve success, too.

So whether your goal is to build a “side hustle” or a million-dollar website, Wealthy Affiliate can give you a path.

What Should You Do Now?

If you’re ready to build an online business, there’s only one thing you should do right now, and that’s create your FREE Starter account with Wealthy Affiliate.

This will get you rolling with the basics and show you what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer before you decide anything. Think of it like a “test drive” of the platform.

You don’t even need a credit card to sign up, so there’s zero risk in giving it a try. And by the fourth lesson, you’ll have your very own website up and running!

==> Go here to create your FREE Starter account

Oh… and if you’d like some help getting rolling, keep an eye out for the welcome message I’ll be sending you inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform shortly after you join.

If you join Wealthy Affiliate through any link on this page (like the one above), I will personally reach out to you right away to introduce myself and help get you rolling.

Anyways, I hope you found my review helpful, and I look forward to meeting you inside Wealthy Affiliate. You CAN do this (yes, you!), and I will be with you every step of the way!

9 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review: My “Tell All” Experience After 7 Years”

  1. Nice review! I am in WA. Built my site and am about to monetize. Looking forward to that. It’s been only 3 months since my upgrade to premium. I agree that this is by far the best program. I too have checked out a lot of them.

  2. Tim, i wss crying like a baby as i was reading through your review. My reasons have been that all ordeals you passed through before reaching your promised land, i had been seven times more. One thing that kees me moving is that God’s book says ” Seek, you shall find, ask you shall reveive, knock and the door shall be opened to you”
    I so much believe on these words with absolute confident that one day, the door shall be opend to me.
    Today, i have found the door and it is widely opened for me to work in to financil success and freedom.
    Tim, please i use the name of whoever or whatever you believe in to beg you of one thing:
    Please don’t leave me alone nor forsake me.
    Am registering and getting started in faith.
    I am a complete novis, i don’t have a faden but i have a burning desire to succed.
    You are an Angel sent from Heaven to me.
    Thanks a million-million fold

    • Yeah, I know how it feels to struggle to find a real way to build an online business. That is why I am so passionate about sharing Wealthy Affiliate with people. Because it works. And the platform is run by people who genuinely care about your success, which sets a “pay it forward” tone for the entire community.

      Rest assured that once you join Wealthy Affiliate, you will ALWAYS have the help, support, and mentorship you need to succeed. Not only will you have direct access to me personally, but you will be able to communicate directly with the founders of the platform (Kyle and Carson), and you will be part of a vibrant community of both aspiring and successful online entrepreneurs who want to help you succeed.

      You CAN do this, and I will do everything I can to help you out along the way!

  3. Hi Tim,
    I have a question, and I hope you will answer. I got sucked into the GrowthCave stuff, but I have not made that big payment yet. I started to dig a little more and found your info about WA.
    Here is my first question… I have seen many recipe/cooking websites that have a discussion about a recipe, etc., and then finally they get to providing the actual recipe. Of course, ads are integrated through the write-up about the recipes, etc.
    BUT the website owner probably spends a lot of time putting up new recipes and write-ups. I guess they make their money from the ‘clicks’ on those ads that are integrated into that website. Is that correct?
    Is this the type of website you are talking about?

    • Hi Steph,

      What you are describing is a website in the cooking niche that leverages ads and (very likely) affiliate marketing to monetize their site. And yep, that is the type of thing you learn how to do with Wealthy Affiliate. Basically, you learn how to choose a niche, launch your own website (very easy to do with WA), get traffic to your site, and make money recommending products to your visitors.

      You primarily learn how to get traffic to your site (third step) by creating content that ranks in Google and other search engines, and that is where the bulk of the effort will be. But the good news is that, as a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate, you get access to an entire suite of AI-assisted tools and platforms that make the process of creating content WAY faster and easier than it ever has been. So you don’t have to spend lots of time writing or anything.

      Hope this helps!


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