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How to Get Traffic to Your Website

Traffic is the lifeblood of ANY online business.

Without traffic, it is literally impossible to make a single sale as an affiliate.

Learn how to get relevant traffic to relevant affiliate offers, and you can do so in a profitable manner, you can be very successful as an affiliate.

This is, without a doubt, the single most important skill you can master as an affiliate, as how well you master this skill is directly correlated with how many sales an affiliate makes.

So with that said, let’s get right into things here.

The Two Types of Traffic: Free and Paid

Before I walk you through the process of getting traffic to your site, I want to draw the distinction between the two main types of traffic: free and paid.

Free traffic is essentially traffic you “earn” by creating content on your site (or on YouTube or other social media sites). But let’s focus on the first one, creating content on your site. The idea is you create content on your site that your audience is likely to be interested in, and that content can rank in search engines like Google, which can then result in targeted, free traffic to your site.

This does take time and effort, yes. But it can be well worth it in the medium-to-long term because you don’t have to spend lots of money on advertising, and it gives you the time you need to learn and develop valuable skills as an affiliate marketer before venturing into paid traffic.

Paid traffic can work really well, but it’s also a very easy way to lose money. The general idea is you run ads to promote affiliate offers. And not only is this traffic virtually instant, but since you don’t need to create much (if any) content, it takes a lot less effort to get traffic this way.

But it comes at a cost (literally). And this is one of the main reasons aspiring affiliates fail… they buy into a system that encourages them to use paid traffic, and it is very easy to lose money this way because you need to understand the ins and outs of conversions well.

Without going into the weeds, you need a funnel that is highly optimized to stand any chance of earning a profit this way, and that involves having a very unique set of skills that most people who are just getting started do not have. It also takes time to get into profit, even when you do know what you’re doing, so you could easily burn through $10,000s before getting into profit.

And to me, that’s not ideal for a beginner.

The much better approach is learning how to get free traffic. So with that said, let’s discuss what is involved in getting high-quality, free traffic to your affiliate website.

How to Get Targeted, Free Traffic to Your Site

Once you have chosen a niche and built the foundation of your website, the next step in the process of building an affiliate marketing business is getting traffic.

And as mentioned, getting free traffic is the optimal approach, which involves creating content on your site. You don’t need to be a fancy writer to succeed, either. So don’t worry. You just need to create content that is both relevant and helpful to your audience, which anyone can do.

But before you create content, you need to know what to write about.

Makes sense, right?

You can’t start writing anything without knowing what to write about first.

And the best way to know what to write about is through a process called keyword research.

A keyword is a search phrase people type into Google.

For example, “how to train a German Shepherd” is a keyword.

And keyword research is a process where you determine what people in your niche are searching for so that you can create content that shows up in search engines like Google when people are searching for stuff. So in the above example, if I was in the dog training niche, I could create an article on how to train a German Shepherd, and that could show up in the search results.

That way, when people type that phrase into Google, my site shows up, and a percentage of people will click on the search result that leads to my site, which means I get traffic!

That’s the gist of it.

And there are keyword research tools (like Jaaxy) that tell you how many people are searching for a given keyword online (on average) and how competitive that keyword is…

An example of conducting keyword research using Jaaxy.

So, the first step is to find keywords that relate to your niche.

Then, you create content in a very specific, straightforward manner to give yourself the best possible chance of ranking in the search results. It does take some practice, but this is something anyone can do. The important thing is creating content that is both relevant and helpful.

And if you want to know more about how to do that and learn other strategies for getting targeted, free traffic to your site, I would recommend you check out Wealthy Affiliate. This is the platform that taught me mostly everything I know about getting traffic. And I’ve had millions of visitors to my sites over the years across multiple different niches.

The thought of creating content may be a bit daunting if you’ve never done it before, but I can assure you it is not difficult, and it is something you can do.

It can also be well worth it over time, as ONE single article has the potential to generate years worth of traffic and sales, and you can create content in a highly efficient manner when you learn the right process. Not to mention, while it is always important to create unique content, you can utilize tools like AI to help make the content creation process more efficient.

Next up: How to Find Awesome Products to Promote as an Affiliate

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